Transference: Dreamwalkers
The Dreamwalkers of Arvenia have struck back for the murders inflicted on their people over the last year. Unfortunately, it is soon clear that the real enemy was hiding in plain sight while his henchman took the fall. Ansley is met with a disturbing reality that the person she trusted most does not exist, while she also has to discover what it means to wield her new skill of transference. The unlikely group seeks answers in Calvenia, but will they learn what they need to before Magnus attacks their family and friends this time? Will the answers unravel all the mysteries of puzzles they did not even know existed? What other secrets are lurking below the surface of the Dreamwalkers' history?
Paperback: 306 pages
Publisher: Beacon Publishing Group
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1949472349
Category: General | Fantasy Fiction
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About Author
Brooke Terry is from Huntsville, Alabama. By day, Brooke is a speech language pathologist, enjoying teaching patients of all ages to communicate effectively. By night, she is an avid reader and young adult/fantasy writer, seeking to create new ideas and worlds that defy the boring limits of our reality. She is inspired by authors such as J.R.R. Tolkein, J.K. Rowling, and Victoria Aveyard.