An Award-Winning, Independent Book Publisher.
Beacon Publishing Group is an award-winning, independent publisher of books and audio books headquartered in NYC. Beacon has a broad array of titles in fiction & non-fiction, including business, young adult, history, romance, mystery, horror, comedy, childrens, health & wellness and more. Beacon Publishing Group continues to expand their titles by acquiring innovative content from existing and debut authors worldwide. Beacon Publishing Group books and audio books are currently being sold in over 55 countries & continuing to grow.
What We Publish
BPG publishes books in a wide range of categories and formats—fiction and non-fiction. Beacon Publishing Group is a fully integrated publishing company. Our capabilities include title acquisition and development, editorial, design, promotion, sales, warehousing, and distribution. Our reach is from coast to coast with international distribution.
How to Purchase our Books
Our books are available to the public wherever books are sold, including: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, mass market retailers, specialty retailers, gift stores and fine independent bookstores nationwide. Beacon Publishing Group ebooks are available through the Apple ibookstore, Amazon Kindle, Sony Readers, Kobo, Barnes & Noble nook among many others.
For authors looking to submit your manuscript for consideration, visit our submissions page.